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Make Your Own Frozen Spinach

Here's a bit of rocket science- Spinach is mostly water and freezes nicely! Spinach can get expensive, and it's on the Dirty Dozen list of organic produce to buy organic. If you are using a lot of spinach in your Green Monster smoothies but still not using it all up before the expiration date, try this:
-Wash your pre-washed organic spinach you bought in bulk. Better yet, buy a big head of organic spinach (yes you can eat the stems!), wash it.

 -Put a whole bunch in a food processor. You might need to cut yours up a little bit first. Hint: if you put too much in you'll end up with spinach puree at the bottom and whole leaves at the top. Be smart about this, people.
-Chop to a nice, fine consistency.  I have a pulse option on my food processor and I pulsed it on and off for about a minute. 
-Spoon the spinach into clean ice cube trays. Use a small spatula or your fingers to mash it down in there!
-Cover as tightly as possible with plastic wrap or other freezer-burn-proof substance of your choice.

-Freeze it! When it's completely frozen, you have several compact spinach cubes to throw into your smoothie (I use four to six per batch). You can also toss your cubes into soups or other hot dishes. I wouldn't plan on eating this "fresh" again. You can also pop your spinach cubes out of the trays and store them in a freezer bag if that set-up saves you valuable space.

Yield: One pound of organic spinach fit nicely into two ice cube trays.  I'm sorry my ice cube trays do not match. Sometimes it's a really good idea to use what you have instead of buying new for appearances.

I've done this freezer tray method with my fall pesto-palooza as well.  What other veggies or condiments would this work with?  Chime in!

This tip was shared with me by my very smart friend.

1 comment:

  1. I came across this blog today with lots of great alternatives for food storage.
